With the game already breaking records since its release, its players wonder about its value on different platforms. It Takes Two players on PS4 ask what makes their experience different from those playing on the PS5. The answer is more simple than they’d think.      

What Is It Takes Two?

What Kind of Game Is It?

It Takes Two is a cooperative (co-op) game that takes you on a miniature-sized journey. In it, you and your partner must play through an adventure of epic proportions, ready to fill you with glee and somber at every level. Like most co-op games, It Takes Two is an action-adventure game. However, it stands out for its storyline, characters, and aesthetic. This is more than just another team-shooting game—it’s a puzzle, filling in each crevice of its world and people.  

Developer: Hazelight Studios

It Takes Two was developed by Hazelight Studios, one of the leading game developers from Sweden. Like Tarsier Studios—another Swedish game developer—Hazelight offers a handful of the best quality games. Despite a less than 10-year history, Hazelight has already been awarded for its work, notably a BAFTA for their other game, A Way Out. However, this may not come as a surprise to those following the gaming industry. Hazelight was founded by Josef Fares, after all, the award-winning mastermind behind Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. Hazelight is one of the many independent game developers at the forefront of gaming. While it only has three main titles so far, each has been lauded for its treatment and innovation. A Way Out was the first co-op-only third-person action-adventure. It Takes Two sold over a million copies in a month, making it one of the best-selling video games of 2021.  

Publisher: EA Originals

As an independent game developer, Hazelight knew better than to face its logistical challenges alone. Luckily, the company had the reputation it needed to attract backers—and they caught a big one. EA Originals is a program under Electronic Arts, the company behind FIFA 22, Star Wars: Battlefront, and Sims 4. In this program, EA will support and partially fund an independent game development company to make whatever they desire. Only the best and most passionate developers get to join this program, and both of Hazelight’s games were made in partnership with EA Originals.  

Release Date and Platforms

It Takes Two was released on March 26, 2021. This co-op game from Hazelight is available on main consoles such as the PS4, the PS5, the Xbox One, and the Xbox Series X|S. It Takes Two is also available on PC.  


The prices for It Takes Two range from $25 to $40 depending on when or where you are buying it from. Platforms also have a huge impact on the final price of your game, with a few consoles charging higher than the others. For PS4, the digital game is listed on the PlayStation Store at $39.99 with seasonal promotions lowering the price by about $10.  

It Takes Two – PS4 Review


It Takes Two is a two-player-only co-op game. This may be seen as a limitation to many, but the game’s success speaks for itself. This gameplay choice is not by accident. It is in sync with the game’s storyline: a relationship going through a particularly rocky patch, having to face physical challenges as well as emotional ones. More on this in this article later. Going back, It Takes Two – PS4 players will need two controllers to play the game. This set-up can either be online or in-person. Played on split-screen, It Takes Two on PS4 have surprises for players at every level. As the game’s main characters shrink down to bug-sized, the world becomes more challenging than it ever has been. Players have to face the wrath of squirrel tails, cross what was once a three-step walk, and even survive the most mundane house accessories. There are no special requirements to play It Takes Two on PS4 or even PS5 and other platforms. If you are short on two players, you can buy the game’s Friend Pass, which your friend can use to play the game for free.  


Almost all reviews of It Takes Two focuses on its storyline. Co-op games are often boxed into the shooting-style territory, but this game deviates from this norm. It Takes Two is rooted in its plot, making sure that each gameplay choice is in line with its characters’ development. As an example, there is no way of playing this game without a second player. There is no playing Cody without anyone playing May. Cody and May are a couple contemplating divorce. Their relationship has gone through the waves of life, and they both believe that it may be time for them to separate. This emotional rollercoaster is put to a stop when they magically turn into human dolls. What’s worse is that they aren’t just dolls—they’re also doll-sized. Because of this, they have to put their concerns aside. They cross their garden together, keep each other safe, and (ironically) evaluate the heart of their relationship. In this journey, they take detours into the unknown, from piloting underpants to skiing in a snow globe. Every detour is a chance at the next chapter. As mentioned above, It Takes Two gameplay and storyline are not mutually exclusive. There is an end goal to Cody and May’s story, and playing this game simply reveals this to their audience. Cody and May’s journey, as absurd as it may sound, is universal. At the heart of It Takes Two is a confused and afflicted duo. They might have listened to the noise all their lives: this game challenges them to listen to each other.  


From the get-go, It Takes Two stood out because of its visual style. While there are similarities between this game’s aesthetic and Little Big Planet’s (also from a Swedish game developer), there is no denying the unique beauty of It Takes Two on PS4. There is a Pixar-esque quality to this game. The characters are bright and cartoonish, like the world they roam. Characters, things, and places balance realism and fantasy well. Frogs, for example, have textured skins, but their eyes bulge with a sparkle real frogs just do not have. It Takes Two doubles down on whimsy, and how can it not? Its main characters are shrunk down to the size of bugs, with squirrels and dinner tables towering over them. The plot lends itself to the tropes of Alice in Wonderland, so Hazelight would have been remiss not to channel its aesthetic. Whether you are playing It Takes Two on PS4, PS5 or whichever platform, one thing is for sure: its plot runs deep. Thus, the game needed something cutting through it, which became the duty of its art direction. Cody and May, at their cores, are fun-loving individuals. Without the stress of real life, this shines through, especially when coupled with the game’s artistic decisions.  


It Takes Two prides itself in perfecting the co-op genre. Though others may disagree with its “perfection,” the game is truly an innovation for co-op gaming. Thus, its main feature is this gameplay style. As mentioned above, It Takes Two on PS4 has a “Remote Play Together” setting. This makes sure that you and your partner play It Takes Two, no matter where you are. Other than this, It Takes Two also prides itself in its storytelling chops. The game’s interactivity makes for riveting gameplay, which together serves Cody and May’s relationship arc well. There are not many other features of It Takes Two. The game is both exactly what it looks like and more than meets the eye. Its graphics are astounding and refreshing, and its features are classic with a hint of innovation.  


Unlike other game developers of this generation, Hazelight did not focus on replayability while making It Takes Two. From the very beginning, this was a storytelling technique for its developers. Cody and May’s love story works best in the medium of gaming—one that is interactive, metaphorical, and visually appealing. There is no better way of empathizing with these characters than to live their lives yourself. This is why It Takes Two is a cut above its colleagues: it focuses on the heart and not so much on numbers. As cited by its developers, not many gamers finish their games anyway, so why not release a game that people want to see through? In total, around 10 hours are spent playing It Takes Two from start to finish. Compared with other games, this is not that long of a play. Of course, this will vary from player to player, especially with its mini-games, but this is a generous average nonetheless. It Takes Two focuses on quality rather than quantity. Ironically enough, this is what earned its large following in the first place. The game has no sequels or large back-story, or even fan theories. Cody and May’s relationship arc spoke for itself.  


Hazelight has only had three main titles so far, each with its own accolades and following. It Takes Two breathes life into the co-op genre because of its heartfelt nature. This does not only apply to its storyline too. Various aspects of the game are executed with sincerity and honesty. It Takes Two is not trying to be the next big series. The game wants to share Cody and May’s story—their struggles, histories, journey, and what ultimately brings them together. It Takes Two is a human story of epic proportions, and its players are in it for these reasons. There are not many games like It Takes Two out right now. This game takes a stand for the independent developers that live to tell tales through gaming.  

It Takes Two – PS4 vs. PS5

With the release of next-gen consoles such as the PS5, It Takes Two players on PS4 wonder about the differences between the two Sony platforms. There have been games exclusive to the PS5. On the other hand, PS4 games are cross-gen, translating to the PS5 with no issues. Other games, such as the upcoming FIFA 22, offer different types of PlayStation gameplay experiences. There will be PS4 games exclusive to the PS4 and PS4 games that are compatible with the PS5. As expected, the prices for the former are relatively higher. So, what is the difference for PS4 players when they switch to PS5? Nothing much. Hazelight has revealed that news of the PS5 came late into It Takes Two PS4 game production. Thus, there was no time to optimize the title for next-generation gaming. Other than better-looking gameplay, there is no reason to replay the game again on the PS5. This is not the case for other PS5 games, detailed in everything you need to know about PS5 backward compatibility. Cutting it short, It Takes Two on PS4 simply misses out on standard PS5 features. This includes higher frame rates and 4K resolution. Bottom line: It Takes Two players on PS4 need not fret over what they’re missing out on with the PS5. The former is “enhanced,” but not necessarily better.  

It Takes Two Friend’s Pass

The It Takes Two Friend’s Pass has already been slightly detailed above. However, it is more sophisticated than a “buy 1, take 1” coupon. Here are more details on the It Takes Two Friend’s Pass. The free It Takes Two player must have either PS Plus or Xbox Live Gold subscription to play through the Friend’s Pass. From there, they can download the game from their respective stores. Remember to search for Friend’s Pass and not the actual game! The main It Takes Two players can then invite their friends to play with them through the game’s main menu. Those who do not have the full game can play a trial of It Takes Two together. However, these only work for cross-generation gaming. Those playing on the Xbox cannot play It Takes Two with someone on PS4 or PC. Moreover, should someone playing for free choose to buy the game, everything they have played thus far is saved. There is no starting over with a clean slate when you purchase the game for yourself. Everything is unlocked, especially for those who finished It Takes Two. The best thing about the Friend’s Pass is that anyone can play as your second lead. Once you’re done with your game with a friend, you can lend your code to another person.  

Games Like It Takes Two

A Way Out

Hazelight’s Friend’s Pass feature was first applied to A Way Out, a co-op game released before It Takes Two. Here, you and your partner play as prisoners trying to escape from prison. Leo and Vincent are inmates that could not be any more different from each other. The former has done time in his cell and is not incarcerated to make friends, while the latter is new blood with time on his side. Together, they make an intelligent team of convicts, giving them a chance to break out of jail. In A Way Out, Leo and Vincent play to get closer and closer to the taste of victory. However, as two convicts, they do not have the most trustworthy reputation of either of their sides. Thus, each move should be calculated and well-thought-out. Second-guessing can be the difference between freedom and death. Get A Way Out  

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

Before A Way Out, Hazelight had Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. Compared to its predecessor, A Tale of Two Sons is thematically more in tune with It Takes Two. Fans of the game will appreciate the emotional and physical journey of Brothers. As usual, this game can be played by two people, each with a unique character and specific abilities. In Brothers, players have to guide two brothers across a journey that brings them to the “Water of Life.” Their father is dying; they’re desperate and are longing for peace. To reach their destination, they must brave the challenges and puzzles of nature. This action-adventure is nothing short of epic. The story of these brothers champions the values of family, balance, perseverance, and bravery from start to finish. You can play this game on consoles such as the PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and the Nintendo Switch. PC, Android, and iOS devices are also compatible with this game. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

Sackboy: A Big Adventure

Next up is Sackboy: A Big Adventure. Compared with the other titles on this list, this game offers more lighthearted fun. It Takes Two players on PS4 to know better than to call the game solely for children because of its deep themes, so if you want a co-op game for kids, Sackboy is your best bet. Play in teams of two or four in this party game. Sackboy’s world is nothing short of mischief, wonder, and thrill. There are many side adventures and hand-crafter lands to explore. Like It Takes Two, Sackboy revels in the world of whimsy. It looks like its characters are straight from a voodoo shop, with a hint of realism and 3D gloss. Because of this, this game is a feast for the eyes. As a platform game, Sackboy relies on its aesthetic to reel in its players. It succeeds in this—being a top party game for PlayStation users. Players can also benefit from Sackboy’s solo player setting, which introverts can enjoy more of. Get Sackboy: A Big Adventure

We Were Here

Puzzles fill We Were Here. This series also thrives in innovating co-op games, most seen in its weaving of gameplay and storyline. The concept for We Were Here is simple; you and your friend are lost in a cold, snowy wasteland. You’re in the middle of nowhere, and your friend is in a castle, fearing for their lives, as are you. Traverse the castle with hope and a reliable walkie-talkie in hand. Coordinate with your partner in getting out because there are puzzles every step of the way. Be quick. The ice is not forgiving, and neither should you be. This puzzle-centric game is available on Xbox One and PC. We Were Here is best known for its minimalist aesthetic and mind-boggling challenges. Get We Were Here

Little Nightmares 2

Another Swedish game development company, Tarsier Studios, is behind this popular game from 2020. Little Nightmares 2 is a horror game with an eerie cartoonish aesthetic. Don’t let it fool you: this game contains your childhood’s most prominent horrors. Play as Mono, a boy trapped in a post-apocalyptic city ruled by ghoulish radio transmission. To survive, he must take down the world’s Signal Tower—but he can’t do it alone. Joining Mono is Six, a girl best known for her role in Little Nightmares. Together, they face soulless school bullies, a murderous teacher, and even adults glued to their TV screens. Mono and Six try to reach the Signal Tower before its horrors catch up to them for good. Get Little Nightmares II  

Final Word on It Takes Two – PS4

It Takes Two is a gem amongst the usual co-op games available in the market now. Of course, the co-op will always be the best choice for shooting games such as Back 4 Blood. However, It Takes Two’s refreshing take shows people that there is more to the genre than meets the eye. It Takes Two – PS4 players do not need to worry about the game value they currently have. The game’s values remain the same no matter what platform you play on. Cody and May’s story is heartfelt and human, despite the aesthetic glamour of the game’s front. This game is not focused on replayability but authenticity. It asks itself what is best for it, just as Cody and May ask their relationship the same question.

It Takes Two   PS4  Is It Better or Worse Than Playing on the PS5  - 18It Takes Two   PS4  Is It Better or Worse Than Playing on the PS5  - 57It Takes Two   PS4  Is It Better or Worse Than Playing on the PS5  - 74It Takes Two   PS4  Is It Better or Worse Than Playing on the PS5  - 80It Takes Two   PS4  Is It Better or Worse Than Playing on the PS5  - 14It Takes Two   PS4  Is It Better or Worse Than Playing on the PS5  - 87It Takes Two   PS4  Is It Better or Worse Than Playing on the PS5  - 13It Takes Two   PS4  Is It Better or Worse Than Playing on the PS5  - 18It Takes Two   PS4  Is It Better or Worse Than Playing on the PS5  - 72It Takes Two   PS4  Is It Better or Worse Than Playing on the PS5  - 52It Takes Two   PS4  Is It Better or Worse Than Playing on the PS5  - 54It Takes Two   PS4  Is It Better or Worse Than Playing on the PS5  - 44